Email Marketing
Are you ready to turn your visitors into loyal fans?
Download our free guide to learn how to use Email Marketing to educate and nurture your subscribers. We're going to walk you through what you need and how you can get started today.
We'll teach you some of the same steps that we use to create engaging newsletters for your visitors.

How do I know that Email Marketing will work for me?
If you’ve tried Email Marketing in the past and not found it successful, you’ll be saying no and trying to click back in your browser right now. We get it.
The thing is, you’d be wrong to do that. Email Marketing can be extremely profitable for businesses. By 2023, an estimated 4.3 billion people will be using emails. For each $1 you spend on email campaigns, you will bring in an average of $42.
It’s not just about the return on your investment either. It’s also about educating and nurturing your visitors, and sparking interest by letting them know what to expect at your event. With effective Email Marketing you can turn your visitors into customers and these customers into loyal fans.
Download our free Quick Start Guide today and get started with doing Email Marketing the right way.
- Learn how to pick an email platform that has the right options and benefits for your business
- Find out why you should never buy lists of “leads” and you should focus on building a list of users who care about what your business offers
- Discover how to craft the perfect Welcome Email and why this is the most important email that you’ll ever send
- Understand how important regular communication with your email list is and how you can spark interest during the off season
- See how much more there is to Email Marketing beyond sending out a newsletter. Automation will open many doors for you…
Email Marketing: An Inexpensive, Effective Way to Reach Your Visitors
Unlike snail mail and traditional advertisements, emails are fairly inexpensive. Your main cost is the time it takes to compose the email. Afterward, the email can make its way to thousands or millions of customers in less than a second.
Plus, 49 percent of customers say that they would enjoy getting weekly emails from their favorite events and brands.
We help events keep in touch with their visitors throughout the year. We help turn your one time visitors into loyal fans year after year.
How You Can Use Emails to Engage Visitors?
As an agribusiness and live event, there are a variety of ways you can use email, as a part of your overall marketing strategy. The best part is that email supports all other parts of your marketing.
With an ongoing newsletter, you can engage your audience. At the same time, you can tell them about important happenings that are going on around your farm, winery or haunted trail.
Newsletters are a great way to showcase your company’s top customers and employees of the month. You can include tips and special coupons in each newsletter. Through newsletters, you can inform clients about events they were unaware of. By getting people to sign up for a newsletter, you can transform a one-time customer into a repeat client.
Drip email campaigns involve sending a pre-determined progression of emails at consistent intervals. Often, companies use them after a client initially signs up for the company’s newsletter or joins their mailing list. While the first email is generally a welcome message, the next emails can include information about upcoming events, products or promotions.
An automatic drip email campaign is perfect for customers who have already bought tickets for an event. You can send an initial email with information about what to expect before sending a follow-up message about the food and drink vendors that will be available. Each email alerts customers to additional offerings, so they will be prepared to spend more money at your business.
Other than increasing the amount of money people spend at your events, your emails also remind them to actually show up. After the event is complete, automatic emails can provide them with information about future events as well.
By nurturing client engagement through a drip campaign, you can develop long-lasting, lucrative customer relationships.
If your company does not use digital marketing and email campaigns, you could be missing out.
Spice Digital Solutions can help you send out regular newsletters about your upcoming events, products and promotions. Contact us today to find out how email marketing can help your event!